My name is Sue Ellen and I am a daughter, mother, sister and intuitive coach. My coaching journey began in a Leadership program in Las Vegas, NV, 2004. I knew within the first hour that it would be my future. I wasn’t exactly sure how, but I trusted that it would all unfold as it should and unfold it did. Seventeen years later I am practicing what I preach with a thriving life and business. I have realized dreams and loves that I never thought possible. I have pushed myself to grow a life and a business with a message that matters to me and the people I serve. 


Coaching services

Psychic services

Coaching is working shoulder to shoulder with each other to achieve a desired goal, reach clarity and find your path. I coach to empower you and incorporate the necessary tools to become an active demonstration of what you have always dreamt of.  

To me being a Mage is caring for the souls of my fellow humans in a non-judgmental way. I offer a variety of Psychic services that can serve to support one who is looking for relief, validation and/or new insights.  New information leads to new journeys and this is what I provide.

My mission is to awaken the divine within through manifesting the fruits of the spirit toward our fellow man

the why & the how

Clarity is the WHY. I won’t judge you for your past, present or future, my only interest is to show you why you make the choices you make in the moments you make them. Standing shoulder to shoulder through a personal journey we will uncover together your deepest conversations and your most sensational thoughts. Sight breeds direction and paths that were not available nor seen before.





Results are BECAUSE you say so. The culmination of the journey, what the work is all for. Goals are easy to make and then never resolve. Results are action oriented, absolute and tangible. If you chose to work with me this is where you are headed because there is not room for anything else. We do what we do until we do something else, change the sight, let it lead the way, then bring it to life. These will be your outcomes with me. 

Direction is the HOW. New ways of being for new journeys down paths never ventured. I will lead and empower you to find the elements of your own compass and what YOUR very truth is. Each individual has it’s own way of moving into what is next and I support that facilitation guiding you to where you might not want to go but definitely get to go. I will never tell you what you want to hear, a genuine gift I have 😊


Kind words

"Sue Ellen came and shined in my life and helped me navigate it all. She let me be authentic with her and we got to the root of what I really want in my life, what truly was important and when I am 80 and looking back on my life, what regrets I may/may not have. As always, she brought me through my struggles and created hope in me"

"My experience with Sue Ellen has been in tenfold measure in all areas of my life. At the time I reached out, my life was in a rut for so many years, I didn’t know how to move forward. Sue Ellen lovingly and brilliantly guided me to do my own work which led me down my sacred journey of the unknown, a transformation which I never knew I could tackle."

"No number of words can say how grateful I am for Sue Ellen. She is the objective voice of reason that provides the outside light to shine into the darkness when I couldn't see the way. She comes from love and respect and her ability to see and cut through the crap, and get to the core of any matter is unlike anyone I've ever met."

"At the end of 2017 I spoke with Sue Ellen for the first time ever. I had no idea at the time what a huge impact this conversation and the ones to come would have on my life. One of the biggest things she helped me with is that I need to never fear because I am protected."

 I have been a client for 10 years, and I would not be the best version of me without her help and guidance. Her insights and advice are invaluable.

The time I have spent with Sue Ellen as my life coach has been filled with some of the most profound moments of awakening i've ever experienced.

The Webs We Weave

Sit down, relax, read & enjoy while Sue-Ellen shares with you tips & tricks to live your dream life, personal stories, and words of inspiration to boost your motivation.

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