What people are saying about their experience with sue-ellen...

Long-time client

Sue Ellen is absolutely amazing!! I highly recommend that you seek her council. I started around 10 years ago working with Sue Ellen as a life coach. I was 40 and looking to advance myself both personally and professionally but torn in my life as I was single and have always had the dream of becoming a wife and mother. I honestly don't know how I could have gotten through the last 10 years of my rollercoaster life without the guidance of Sue Ellen. She has been my rock and has always given me hope for a bright future

"The best decision ever!"

No number of words can say how grateful I am for Sue Ellen. She is the objective voice of reason that provides the outside light to shine into the darkness when I couldn't see the way. She comes from love and respect and her ability to see and cut through the crap, and get to the core of any matter is unlike anyone I've ever met.

"She believed in me"

Sue Ellen lovingly and brilliantly guided me to do my own work which led me down my sacred journey of the unknown, a transformation which I never knew I could tackle. She believed in me before I believed in myself and that catapulted me into a new life which I am forever grateful.

10-year client

"There is not enough gratitude that can be expressed for how much SueEllen has helped me and continues to. I have been a client for 10 years, and I would not be the best version of me without her help and guidance. Her insights and advice are invaluable. SueEllen will patiently and lovingly help you understand who you are, why you are here and help you to your goals. She is the supportive sister everyone should of had."

"Sue-Ellen made a huge imapct on my life"

At the end of 2017 I spoke with Sue Ellen for the first time ever. I had no idea at the time what a huge impact this conversation and the ones to come would have on my life. Let me start from the beginning though.
For years I had encountered unexplained events that I could never make sense of; from seeing and hearing things that no one else could, knowing something bad was going to happen before it ever did, and the most profound (as well as the first major experience I remember having) was that I knew my grandmother had passed away before anyone else knew....

"I am finally able to explore my tunnel becausee of the flashlight she gave me"

The time I have spent with Sue Ellen as my life coach has been filled with some of the most profound moments of awakening i've ever experienced. I have a sense of clarity, awareness and satisfaction about my life and its purpose that simply didn't exist before. It's as if I am finally able to explore my tunnel because of the flashlight she gave me.

"Sue Ellen is absolutely amazing!! I highly recommend that you seek her council. I started around 10 years ago working with Sue Ellen as a life coach. I was 40 and looking to advance myself both personally and professionally but torn in my life as I was single and have always had the dream of becoming a wife and mother. My work/life balance wasn't even/equal and I was "married" to my career. I struggled with giving up my personal dreams for my career, but felt very torn as a woman as what direction in my life I should make. This is where Sue Ellen came and shined in my life and helped me navigate it all. She let me be authentic with her and we got to the root of what I really want in my life, what truly was important and when I am 80 and looking back on my life, what regrets I may/may not have. She helped me navigate it all and I chose to follow my personal dreams and become a single mom. I pursued IVF and before each procedure, I would consult with Sue Ellen and she would guide and help me emotionally through it. During the 3 1/2 years of this journey, I had a ton of ups and downs, with the emotional rollercoaster happening each time. I had 2 devastating miscarriages and Sue Ellen was there as a beacon and always provided me with emotional support and always brought me hope. Hope is what helped get me through it all, every single time. Each of her readings were always spot on. Before my last IVF procedure, my doctor had informed me that this would be the last IVF that I would have. I became pregnant and then had my 2nd miscarriage. At this point I didn't know what to do. It was extremely difficult to have this dream end and know that you will not have your own children. I called Sue Ellen and as always, she brought me through my struggles and created hope again in me. My life isn't over and I was made aware that I am surrounded by a ton of friends and family and it was then that I realized how blessed I was in my life to have had so many people step up and be there for me.
The next journey that Sue Ellen helped me navigate was adoption. Deciding if I wanted to go that route or to finalize my dream of becoming a mother. I was very torn on what to do and also wondering if financially I could afford it. Once she helped me realize my mental barriers there, I went ahead and found an adoption agency and got on a list. With her insight, she had warned me that this road would be paved with struggles too. Now while on the waiting list, my professional life had changed and I was placed into a new position where I wasn't happy and with the stress of it, I was getting physically ill. We had talked on several occasions and I had told Sue Ellen that I wasn't happy and needing insight on what to do. She helped lead me to make the decision to apply for other jobs within my company. Not long after looking, I found a job at my corporate headquarters that would require a move on my part. Sue Ellen had already been telling me that she didn't see me living where I was at for the rest of my life and had always seen a man in my future but not where I was currently living. So I made the move and Sue Ellen had continued to tell me that my life will be happier now. 
Not long after moving, my adoption agency called me and I was matched with a birth mom. After several months of communicating, this adoption fell apart and as always, Sue Ellen was there to be my rock and helped me get through the slew of emotions that come with it. Then a month later, I received another call of a baby born at a hospital. After 3 days of being this child's mother, I had to physically hand the child back as the birth father had found out about the child and wanted custody of him. Walking away from that hospital was one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life. The devastation was unbearable and I didn't know if I could continue on this journey. Again, Sue Ellen was there as my rock and kept telling me that I just need to have patience, that she has always seen me with a child in my arms that that yes, I would become a mother. I just need hope... She also kept telling me that a man will be coming into my life soon. Two months later, he showed up as a blind date. By the 3rd date he was telling me that I am the one that he has been waiting for his entire life. He is a military man and has so much integrity, courage and trust. I fell for him immediately and strongly. What I didn't know is how committed he can be. It was while he was deployed that I received a call about another adoption. This one was quick and easy. After meeting the birthparents, 2 weeks later my son was born. Nicholas was absolutely perfect and the adoption was seamless. I was at the hospital when he was born and was able to take him home without any issues. Sue Ellen was there for the support that I needed as it was a very emotional time for me. Nicholas is now 19 months old and has honestly been the most perfect son that I could have ever asked for. For my birthday this year, my boyfriend proposed to me and of course Nicholas was a part of it. During the proposal my boyfriend told me that he wants to legally adopt Nicholas and that topped the cake for me. This definitely is a man of integrity and Sue Ellen was so right when she told me that all of my dreams will come true. I honestly don't know how I could have gotten through the last 10 years of my rollercoaster life without the guidance of Sue Ellen. She has been my rock and has always given me hope for a bright future."

"The Best Decision I Ever Made - Years ago, a close friend who I connected with noticed I was having trouble navigating various aspects of my life and recommended a life coach. My pompous, superior self was like "Ummm...I don't need help. I've taken all these self-awareness and self-help workshops. I can do this on my own." I looked down on life coaching or therapy or anything in that space because I thought it would reveal that I am not strong enough to do it on my own. But the truth is...no man or woman is an island, and nobody should have to do it on their own. So I grudgingly and reluctantly accepted the introduction to Sue Ellen and became her first client...and it was the best decision I ever made. The results were practically instant.
No number of words can say how grateful I am for Sue Ellen. She is the objective voice of reason that provides the outside light to shine into the darkness when I couldn't see the way. She comes from love and respect and her ability to see and cut through the crap, and get to the core of any matter is unlike anyone I've ever met. Every time I speak to her, it's like all the conversations I have in my head about anything become quiet, and I always leave any call with her with some level of direction and always at peace, knowing that I have hope. Sometimes we spoke up to 3 times a week helping me navigate some ugly times, and sometimes it was many weeks in between. She is a powerful woman I absolutely adore with all my heart and soul. After all of these years, I am proud and honored to have received the coaching and direction that I have. She is not only someone who has been God-sent angel of light for me in the dark, but a God-sent angel that has become family and friend alike."
With all my love,

"My experience with Sue Ellen has been in tenfold measure in all areas of my life. At the time I reached out, my life was in a rut for so many years, I didn’t know how to move forward. Sue Ellen lovingly and brilliantly guided me to do my own work which led me down my sacred journey of the unknown, a transformation which I never knew I could tackle. She believed in me before I believed in myself and that catapulted me into a new life which I am forever grateful. Sue Ellen is both highly intuitive and incredibly empathetic. What made the biggest difference for me, are the times she gently pushed me when I needed it most, and that’s when I took that giant leap I needed to shift my direction. I am so grateful for Sue Ellen and her ‘gifts’; she has literally saved me from my own life."
~Rachel 🤍🌳

"At the end of 2017 I spoke with Sue Ellen for the first time ever. I had no idea at the time what a huge impact this conversation and the ones to come would have on my life. Let me start from the beginning though.
For years I had encountered unexplained events that I could never make sense of; from seeing and hearing things that no one else could, knowing something bad was going to happen before it ever did, and the most profound (as well as the first major experience I remember having) was that I knew my grandmother had passed away before anyone else knew. Seven years had passed since that first experience and even though there had been plenty of other things happen I never gave any of them much thought. Until January 2017, when my parents and I moved into our new house. 
As soon as we moved in unexplained stuff began to happen. From lights turning on/off on their own, doors opening on their own, hearing doors slam when none had been touched, etc. Even though my parents could see these things happening I seemed to be the only person in the house who could feel the energy of people who weren’t really there. I began to struggle to sleep at night because I always felt as though someone was watching me; I walked around on eggshells in my own home. 
I could however tell there were 2 different spirits in my home- one which I felt was my grandmother and the other I assumed was something evil. By November 2017 I couldn’t take it anymore and I finally told my parents what I had been experiencing. My mom before long arranged for me to have a phone conversation with Sue Ellen, who she had already spoke with before for a totally different reason.
Without me saying much at all Sue Ellen was able to confirm for me that there were 2 spirits in my home. One being my grandmother and the other was a teenage boy. However, she told me this boy wasn’t evil at all; but that he had been doing these things around me because he knew I could feel his energy. She then proceeded to tell me that I have the gift to hear them also and before we hung up the phone she told me to try speaking with the spirits in my home and see if I can hear them respond. 
After hanging up the phone I had closure on so many things but being 18 years old I thought there was no way if I spoke to these spirits that they would respond to me; strictly because I just never saw myself as being “that gifted.” But I was wrong. They did respond, and at that moment I knew my phone call with Sue Ellen would change my life forever. 
From that point on our phone conversations became a more common thing, as she helped me to learn how to live with these gifts and to trust what I hear and feel. I have now encountered many spirits; some who I actually knew in life, some I had never met, some of my family members who passed away 20 years before I was even born, my friends family members, etc. Sometimes they will give me messages to give to living people that I know, and Sue Ellen helped me to realize that even though some of their messages may be brief it is exactly what the living person needed to hear. 
Sue Ellen has helped me with how I need to go about helping spirits cross over. She helped me to be able to better control when the spirits can talk to me- that way they wouldn’t keep me up at night anymore. She has also helped me to really understand that not everyone understands people with gifts. So, I need to treat my gifts with respect and keep most of my experiences to myself, since most people just don’t understand. And one of the biggest things she has helped me with is that I need to never have fear because I am protected.
God doesn’t give everyone the gift of being able to hear people who have passed away; therefor I am so grateful that he chose me to be one of them and also chose to put Sue Ellen in my life. Since our first phone conversation I have found myself in situations that could have had horrible outcomes; however, I was able to hear spirits all around me telling me exactly what I needed to do to get out of these situations safely. Had I never spoken with Sue Ellen I would have never known I had the ability to hear these spirits; and now I thank God every day for allowing me to not only hear them but now know I can. Because now I know I have guardian angels all around me that will always keep me safe. 
Everything that I am able to do now I have Sue Ellen to thank for. I am now able to give people closure the same way she did for me years ago, and that is such a wonderful feeling. I will never be able to thank her enough for how much she has done for me and what an inspiration she has been in my life. I strive to be as good as she is with my gifts one day that way I can help even more people the same way she does."